Monday, October 10, 2011

So...when's the barfing gonna end again?

I know this is my first post and I should totes be making it super positive, but it just so happens on this lovely Monday that I'm feeling just a tad pukey (per usual) and not really in a YAY mood. It's like this....ok, I'm 14 weeks, and totally feeling like a million bucks compared to the puke fest of months 1.5 thru 3. But I'm still queasy and have major food aversions (meat) and feel like some sort of host body situation with some alien inside me who's never quite satisfied.

Yesterday, my husband Kevin suggested we go grab sandwiches and hit the beach since it's basically summer still here in LA. So I stupidly ordered a turkey sandwich. Lord knows why I did that--I haven't had meat since I found out I was pregnant because the mere thought of animal carcass makes me dry heave these days. But I still ordered it and ate it. Cut to 8 hours later (right around the time this delicious sub is hitting McBaby's sac) and it came right up the way it went down. It was like McBaby took one look at the order and sent it back to the kitchen.

Honestly, I don't blame him/her. The poor kid was probably like, "You've been feeding me straight up carbs and mangos for months, and you think I'm not going to notice this?!" Silly me. Plus, I've been obsessing over Skinny Bitch Bun in the Oven, which, if you've ever read it, will basically turn you vegan in a half hour. So seriously with the turkey sandwich business...

Anyhoo, aside from that, I'm loving being prego. I surprisingly don't miss booze at all, which is awesome seeing as though I really thought I was a wino-holic prior to this sitch. I'm getting slightly fat-ish, but still not enough to look pregnant. I actually can't wait for that. Oh! And we came up with a new girl and boy name this weekend. And no, I don't think we know each other well enough to tel you yet. We'll see....
BTW peep my 14 week belly pic!

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