Saturday, April 14, 2012
My Birth Story!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Self Inducing Labor Doesn't Work

The last couple of weeks have been a real....doozy. I've been in and out of doctor's appointments for numerous reasons, all for the end result to be: Yeah, we're gonna give it a few more days. It all started about 6 weeks ago when my doctor told me my fluids were low and I was sent over to a perinatologist (who looks like a live Ken doll) for a second look. He basically told me to just keep on truckin, but to make sure I was drinking enough water. For the record, I probably drink about 2 gallons a day because I'm constantly thirsty due to working out or just being on the go.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
What to Expect from Birthing Class

Everything you think would happen during a hospital birthing class...happens. And yes, that means the screening of the real-life childbirth video, starring the woman with the 70s-style bush. Other things happen, but I wanted to warn you about that first and foremost. There's nothing more awkward than sitting in a room with a bunch of strangers all staring at a woman's gaping vagina that's covered in a thick bloody shag. I'll let you barf up your lunch and return to that later.
Now to the positive parts. My husband and I chose the expedited birthing class at our hospital because we both work full-time and could only really squeeze in a few hours on a Saturday anyway. (Sidenote--I get the Worst Wife Ever award for signing us up on St. Patrick's Day...whoops.)
Most of the people in the room seemed like totally normal couples who were excited about welcoming their first born into the world. But of course there's always a couple assholes who ruin everything, and in this case, it was the "water birth couple." These two were pretty irritating, saying condescending things out loud like, "Oh no, we'd neverrrrrr do an epidural." But hey, it's her loss. Like my aunt who's a maternity ward nurse says: "They're not giving out any awards at the hospital for women who opt out of the epidural."
During the 6-hour class, we learned things like the right way to breathe (and no-that "hee-hee-hee-hoo-hoo-hoo" was not even discussed), when to go to the hospital without getting turned away for being too eager and early, and pain medication options once we got to the hospital (aka the magical "E" word). Our instructor was a lovely woman who kept stressing to the guys the importance of how to STFU during our labor pains and not to say anything that would warrant a slap in the face like, "Honey, keep in mind...women have been doing this for centuries!"
She also taught the men how to massage us while we pretty much all lounged around on the floor like beached whales eating Triscuits (What?! They told us to bring snacks!) And I didn't notice until the last horror movie (there were 4 in total), that the instructor kept leaving the classroom every time she pressed play! She'd set us up real quick and say something like, "Now you're going to witness a woman who chooses to do a natural birth," and then she'd be out the door in a flash. You'd think a woman teaching a childbirth class would be cool with seeing a few vag shots. But I suppose she's pretty scarred by the vids at this point, and knows better to just leave us all in the dark wishing we were anywhere but there.
I tried to look away during scene of the hairy monster expelling a small, and also hairy, head out of it's hole, but it's one of those things that sucks you back in no matter how hard to try to avoid it. And the weirdest part is the wide range of emotions these videos take you through. In the beginning, you're just sitting there judging the mother in the video's outfit choice upon arrival to the hospital. By the birth scene, you're ready to vomit anything in your stomach, and 3 seconds later when that little baby is sitting on the mother's chest as she cries tears of happiness, you're bawling with her! And right on cue, that's when the instructor walks back in and flicks on the fluorescent lights.
All in all though, I am really glad we went. If anything I learned some really random things I didn't know--like to take a freaking shower and blow dry my hair when I start feeling contractions because it's gonna be awhile, to wear cozy socks during labor once at the hospital, and most importantly, to be hairless during birth. You never know what could be caught on camera that day.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Why Pregnant Women Waddle

Whenever someone imitates a pregnant woman, they waddle...right?? I swore up and down I would do anything in my power to avoid the penguin walk in pregnancy, but alas, even I have succumbed. It's just so much more comfortable than walking like a normal person, and now I can tell you exactly why that is (from a highly scientific standpoint of course).
Monday, March 5, 2012
Showered Beyond Belief
Two weekends ago, my three best friends on the west coast threw me an amazing Mustache Bash baby shower, which was perfection seeing as though I'm convinced my baby is going to come out with handlebars, and monacle, and three-piece suit. It was such an amazing day, and I enjoyed every minute of it--including the 2 hours I spent getting ready, knowing it would be one of the last times I touched a curling iron for awhile...
This past weekend concluded shower season for McBaby. My fourth and final shower was held at the place my husband got married almost two years ago--Shade Hotel in Manhattan Beach. My Bar Method boss threw the "sprinkling" for me and my co-worker Dayna, also expecting a boy. As we were opening gifts, my boss got emotional and I had to ask her why. She went on to say there's nothing like experiencing the birth of your first child. Seeing her reaction really made me think--WOW. There's seriously no way for me to prepare for what's going to happen in about one month.
A lot of people have been asking me if I'm scared of labor, and honestly I'm not. I'm sure it's because I haven't even been through it, and don't know any better. But I figure there's no point in stressing about something I literally have zero control over. My two aunts who are nurses have stressed the importance of getting an epidural, because as they've told me, "They're not giving out any awards at the hospital for the women who pass on drugs." So that's also calmed my nerves big time--knowing there is relief at some point.
My general attitude at this point is excitement--over everything. First and foremost to be able to hold someone who needs no one else but me and his daddy in this whole world. A close second on the excitement scale is the fact that this incessant back pain apparently goes away like magic instantly after birth. I'm also pretty stoked to wear pants that I don't have to pull up to my boobs, and that have a zipper and button closure. Oh, and not to have to pee a trickle every 20 minutes.
But mostly my days are spent thinking about my little guy who is just a few short weeks from entering the world and making us an official family! 34 days til my due date and Easter Sunday...and I used to think Lent was a long time...Psssshhh.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Working Out While Pregnant (W.O.W.P.)

Monday, February 27, 2012
Babymoon: Necessary or Ridiculous?

If you ask your mother what she thinks about having a "babymoon," she'd probably either A. ask what the hell that even is, or B. launch into a long-winded explanation of how her generation never had any of that fun stuff. If you're my mom, the latter also leads into the conversation about how "tight" maternity wear is these days, and that women in her day had to suffer under tent-like muumuus with oversized buttons and sailor collars. My mother loves comparing my pregnancy to hers, and finds any possible way to point out how lucky I am in "this day and age."
Monday, February 13, 2012
Where To Find Good Maternity Clothes!

If there's something I could change about the 10 months of being pregnant, it would be maternity fashion. Holy crap it's awful. I was under the false impression that every department store, designer and even low-end retailer had finally gotten with the program and created a simple yet fashionable line for us pregos, but that my friends is false.
Monday, February 6, 2012

Greetings. I'm feeling pretty yen this morning as a result of my yin relaxation yoga class I attended (and forced my husband to come with) last night. Let me first kick this blog post off with something I've become great at-complaining. Prenatal yoga classes--has anyone ever been to one of these? I'd sure like to if they weren't all held at the most inopportune times. Seriously, who can make a class at 10:45am on a Wednesday?! And they're all at those annoying stay-at-home mom times. Maybe it's because the places I'm looking are in Manhattan Beach, and we all know none of those women work--that's why they're all so hot--they spend their days working out!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Baby's Room!

When you're pregnant and it's the weekend, there's only so much one can do. In the beginning, before you start assuming the shape of Humpty Dumpty, you can still carry on like normal--go on hikes, runs, bike rides, and even put on a bathing suit and lay out if it's the right time of year. Most of those activities start becoming a little too difficult--and in some pregnancies dangerous, and you're left with two options--go for another walk, or open those Cheetos you've been eyeing and watch another episode of Real Housewives.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Labor Dreams!

Yahooo! Week 30 is here, which means if my little man is right on time, I've got 10 weeks left! I have this really weird feeling he's coming a little early though, but since this is my first pregnancy, I literally have nothing to base that assumption on. Yet again, I'm flabbergasted by how in-tune my body and subconscious mind are with my pregnancy progression--I hadn't thought much about the actual logistics of labor (besides the obvious), until I woke up in a cold sweat the other night as a result of my first....dun dun dun...labor dream.
Naturally, it was anything but normal--I already have an extremely ridiculous imagination in my dreams, and I'm one of those weirdos who actually remembers almost all of them. The dream was that I gave birth inside a grocery store. Pretty sick right? Thankfully though, I have no recollection of the butcher shop or seafood section being a part of the scenery, but I was pretty out in the open with other shoppers just going about their business. One of the strangest parts was that I couldn't feel anything--it was like I was subconsciously hoping everything with my epidural goes as planned with the real thing.
But nonetheless, sick things were happening! At one point, the nurse told me to push, which I did, and then she apparently handed my spleen over to my husband. Even in this bizarre dream state I knew that didn't seem right, but she assured me it was fine, and just needed to "roll it up so it wouldn't dry out." At another point in the dream I was informed that they were "ready to cut into my abdominal wall," prompting me to scream, "OMG am I having a C-section?!" They told me no, so fingers crossed that's foreshadowing (not the abdominal cutting part of course)!
This has been my one and only labor dream thus far. Most of my baby-related slumbers have been equally as weird though, like when my baby transformed into a dog right before my eyes. Or when the doctors handed my newborn over to me, it was actually a teeny tiny fawn that looked an awful lot like Bambi. Adorable, but no thanks.
In these last few weeks of pregnancy, I anticipate more labor dreams to infiltrate my sleeps. I can only hope that my constant urge to pee during the night will interrupt any nightmare situations I might conjure up subconsciously.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wine Daydreamin'

Take a good look at that picture--especially if you're a good friend of mine, because that's what I expect to see in my hospital room as my first post-partum dinner. I'm not sure if it's normal to daydream quite this much about the things pregnant women have to give up, but I apparently talk about it enough to prompt my co-worker to say, "Bridge, you should write a blog post about it!" So here we are...
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Knocked-Up Hypochondriac

I should have listened to my best friend when she said to burn the What To Expect When You're Expecting-type books. She has after all popped out four children in under 6 years, so she knows a thing or two about pregnancy. But after months of ignoring them on my bookshelf, they've been dusted off and are literally scaring me to death. You see, it all started the other day when I felt a new "pain" I hadn't experienced, and figured referencing one of my books was better than calling my doctor again--who, by the way--already thinks I'm a little nuts.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Is the US a 3rd World Country?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
What's In A Name?
I'm really happy with the fact that my husband and I decided not to share our baby name with anyone prior to his birth. A few close family members know at this point, but beyond the inner circle, no one has any clue what McBaby's name is, and it's pretty cool. Our decision was based not only on the obvious--avoiding people's stupid reactions to the fact that we weren't going with Jack, Noah or Aiden like everyone else in America right now--but also because picking this name literally took 2 years to do.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Third Tri Baby!

It's offish! I'm finally in my third trimester! Let the emotional eating and unexplained crying begin! From what I hear, this last little wedge of the pie is the most interesting of the bunch. Although, seriously I'd like to see anything come close to competing with my first trimester. Nevertheless, it seems my body received the memo that I had entered into the final round right on time.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
So This Is What It's Like To Be Fat

I know I keep exclaiming that I cannot believe how huge I am, but seriously, I cannot believe how huge I am. People keep trying to tell me I'm such a tiny pregnant woman (except my mom who refers to me as "real big"), but I feel like an elephant. Doing the most mundane tasks now have become difficult. Like, say, putting on my shoes.
I now grunt when performing most daily activities like getting up and down from the couch, rolling over on the bed, and even getting into the shower--which brings me to another topic no one felt necessary to warn me about--grooming. Now, I decided to get laser hair removal a little too late in the game. I got pregnant about halfway through my 10-pack of sessions, which was just a "hair" short on the growth pattern if you know what I mean. I always envisioned impressing the doctors and nurses at the hospital with my fresh pedicure and a hoo-ha that looked like it belonged to an infant, but alas, I'll be one of the legions of women doing a hack job on my vajayjay while timing out my contractions upon going into labor. And let me tell you, the upkeep aint fun with a hard as concrete huge belly in the way. Last night, my husband actually asked me if he could "help." Imagine?!
He also reminded me that I'm going to get a lot bigger, as did several women at my east coast baby shower. They started laughing at me when I claimed to be bigger than a house, reminding me that my feet haven't even begun to swell yet, and my "face isn't even pregnant yet." Sigh...I still don't get why anyone "loves" being pregnant. I just can't wait to be done with this, so that A. my baby is here, and B. I can have my body back! It just seems like everything is going to be way cooler once April is here. So let the countdown begin!