Whenever someone imitates a pregnant woman, they waddle...right?? I swore up and down I would do anything in my power to avoid the penguin walk in pregnancy, but alas, even I have succumbed. It's just so much more comfortable than walking like a normal person, and now I can tell you exactly why that is (from a highly scientific standpoint of course).
Extremely pregnant chicks don't just waddle because they're "fat"-- there are a plethora of other factors that contribute to this. In my case, I started waddling right around the 34-week marker because of intense back pain 24-7. This was of course bound to happen given the fact that I'm 5'3" and about a buck-20 when un-knocked-up, and those extra 25 pounds sitting like a concrete block in my stomach finally won the fight.
Then, out of the blue during week 35, I woke up to the feeling I'd been overusing the thigh master. I figured this was due to a bar method class or extra long walk the day prior, but no. This groin pain was (and is) here to stay. It hurts most when I'm walking (hence the waddling) and/or moving anything heavier than a feather.
Lastly, it is the belly that makes us waddle. The baby drops pretty significantly in the final month of pregnancy, to the point that if I walk for too long, I actually feel like some part of the baby is coming out. It's like holding a watermelon under your shirt with one hand--pretty soon that ish is gonna get heavy!
There you have it--I wanted to make it clear that several factors contribute to this super sexy style of walking we preggos inevitably yield to. So the next time you see one of us in public, do us a favor and just smile--and wipe that "I'm sorry" look off your face, especially if you're a dude. Tell us we're amazing superhuman adonis creatures whom you greatly admire and could never do what we're doing in a million years--unless you're that creepy pregnant dude Thomas Beatie from Oprah.
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