The last couple of weeks have been a real....doozy. I've been in and out of doctor's appointments for numerous reasons, all for the end result to be: Yeah, we're gonna give it a few more days. It all started about 6 weeks ago when my doctor told me my fluids were low and I was sent over to a perinatologist (who looks like a live Ken doll) for a second look. He basically told me to just keep on truckin, but to make sure I was drinking enough water. For the record, I probably drink about 2 gallons a day because I'm constantly thirsty due to working out or just being on the go.
Then this past week I went in again, and my doc informed me my fluids had dipped pretty significantly, and sent me back to the perinatologist, also warning me that they might induce. This made me gasp since I hadn't yet made it to the remaining mandatory appointments before McBaby's arrival--hair, bikini wax, nails. Luckily, Ken checked me out, put me on a fetal heart moniter, and said I was still good to go....at least for a few more days. He mentioned my placenta was "mature," and that McBaby was still on the tiny side, so it was doubtful they'd keep me pregnancy past my due date.
Well, this kicked my ass into high gear. I successfully made it to all my appointments, and even wrapped up everything I possibly could at work. But instead of feeling satisfied and ready to take a breather and relax for a couple days, I've been the opposite--which brings me to present tense. I decided on April Fool's Day to commence Operation Evict McBaby. I've read every old wives' tale, and tried most: prenatal massage, spicy food, long walks, exercise, sex, you name it. The only thing I'm not into testing out is the castor oil remedy. But Nothing. Has. Worked.
It's like my baby is laughing at me for even attempting to make him do something he's by no means ready to do. As far as he's concerned, he's perfectly content remaining in the dark, warm, shallow bath I've created for him in my uterus. Maybe this means he'll be a good swimmer? I go back in today to get checked out, and who knows! Perhaps this time they'll decide it's induction day, and the next post I write will be when I'm a mommy!
What I take away from these last few weeks of pregnancy is that it's not up to me to decide what McBaby's birthday is. It's his decision...at least until some Pitocin decides it for the both of us.
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