I'm just about finished with week 15, and I'm slowly regaining human strength. I've had a few setbacks, like when I thought I was cool enough to eat spicy organic chili, or stay up past 9 one night this week. But a barf session and bedtime at 7PM the next night reminded me of who I really am now.
So in all of my baby books there's a big emphasis on "safety on the job" this week. I'm sure they wrote the chapter with people in mind who work at places like a power plant or on a cranberry farm. But seriously, TV hosting really is a pregnancy UN-friendly occupation. Everyone's favorite thing to tell me is that my situation reminds them of the movie Knocked-Up. Sure, I'm still hiding my pregnancy like Katherine Heigl's character did, but let's remember I don't work at E! or have someone as cool as Kristin Wiig as my boss (even though she was pretty evil in that movie).
My job consists of me having to be on camera for at least 6 of my 8 hours a day at work. So that means a full face of makeup (complete with fake eyelashes and...ugh, lipliner), my hair either blown-out or curled daily, my skin fake tanned, my nails painted, and my wardrobe cute and trendy. Every. Damn. Day. No joke--the one day this year I didn't shoot was because I got a cystic zit on top of my eye that caused it to shut almost completely (thanks pregnancy hormones). And my boss seriously said to me, "It's not that bad. Can't you shoot a couple?"
The first trimester was obvi the worst--I'd puke countless times a day, and one time I was even tempted to retrieve one of my falsies out of the toilet. But then I gathered my dignity and just kept the left set on for the rest of the day. I can't tell you how much MAC Studio Fix Foundation I went through in those three months from constantly reapplying on my tear and snot-streaked cheeks. But now that my barfing sessions have gone down to around one per day and I'm feeling a little more "normal," I'm running into a whole new problem. My pants don't fit, and my bump is showing through on even my flowiest of tops! Guess this is the clearest sign yet that I really need to get my act together and tell my bosses what's going down! #pregnantgirlproblems
I'll leave you with this story though--yesterday I went to cover the behind-the-scenes look at the new All Time Low video, which took place in downtown LA in a huge deserted warehouse where they shoot a ton of movies and TV shows. The shoot took place on the roof. So you'd think with all these shoots taking place here, they'd have a staircase to get to said roof? Wrong. I show up in a short dress and platform heels, only to discover the only way up is via sketchy sketchy sketchball ladder. It was like fire escape-style too. As I ascended, holding half of our production gear for my camera guy, all I could think about was how much my doctor would kill me if she knew I was climbing a rusty ladder to a deserted rooftop where we then scaled several walls to get to the shot.
In closing, I think next week I'll start abiding my pregnancy book's rules to wear "elastic waistband pants" and "flat, soft-soled shoes" to work. But if I'm out of a job by next post, I'll know who to blame...